The Advantages of Implant Supported Dentures

Implant Supported Dentures Mobile, AL

Implant supported dentures are a more comfortable option than their conventional counterparts. Attaching dentures to implants leads to remarkable stability while speaking or eating. It provides a solution for missing teeth that feels a lot like having real teeth.

Traditional dentures come with an adjustment period as the wearer gets used to eating and speaking with artificial teeth that move in their mouth. This can lead to people struggling to chew harder foods, difficulty speaking or even worse, the artificial teeth falling out of their mouths while speaking or eating.

Benefits of implant-supported dentures

Here are some of the benefits patients get to enjoy when they choose implant-supported dentures:

1. Great stability

Implant dentures are secured to the patient’s jawbone the same way real teeth are anchored to bone tissues in the jaw. This means people who choose implant dentures do not have to restrict their meals to soft foods only.

The improved stability that comes with dentures attached to implants also prevents the formation of sores on soft tissues in the mouth. This typically occurs due to traditional dentures constantly rubbing against these soft tissues, irritating them.

The excellent stability that comes with implant-supported dentures also makes it easier to speak with these prosthetics. There is less of an adjustment period since patients no longer have to struggle with loose dentures while talking.

2. Prevents bone tissue breakdown

Bone tissues in the jaw tend to breakdown when teeth fall out. This is due to the jaw no longer getting the stimulation it needs to remain healthy. Like muscle tissues, bone tissues need stimulation to remain healthy. Atrophy occurs when this stimulation stops.

Implants are inserted into the patient’s jaw and they fuse with bone tissues around them through osseointegration. These implants are then fitted with dentures. When the wearer bites down on something, bite forces are transferred from the artificial teeth to the jaw via the implants. This gives the person’s jaw all the stimulation it needs to remain healthy. Implants are the only restorations that prevent the bone tissue loss that occurs when a tooth falls out.

3. Improved lifestyle

Implant dentures give patients artificial teeth that are almost as good as real teeth. It gives them a confidence boost and it allows them to get back to how life was before losing their teeth. There are special types of implant dentures that do not require any special care as is the case with traditional dentures. The patient simply takes care of them the same way they would take care of real teeth.

Replace your missing teeth

Implant dentures are one of your best options if you have lost most of your real teeth. While other solutions like conventional dentures might be cheaper, implant dentures give you a more comfortable, healthier option. It helps to prevent issues that can arise with other alternatives like sores forming inside your mouth and bone tissue breakdown in the jaw. Call or visit our Mobile clinic to learn more about how implant-supported dentures might be the solution you need.

Request an appointment here: or call White Smile Center at (251) 800-9148 for an appointment in our Mobile office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Implant Supported Dentures in Mobile, AL.

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